December 13, 2003 - 19:35
I've recently done a little research on what kind of dimensions (width represented as W, height represented as H, number of frames represented as F). I will do something similar with RA2 and when it's over, I will implement them on Form New. So, you will be able to start new files knowing the most used sizes for buildings, infantry, cameos and animations and you will just select the unit you want and it fills with its dimensions.

Here's the results on searching in Tibsun.mix (I haven't checked Firestorm).

Research: File Sizes

Tiberian Sun:

Cameos: uses cameo.pal
-> Cameos: W64, H48, F1

Infantry: uses unittem.pal/unitsno.pal
-> Infantry, Mutants, Civilians, Chameleon Spy: W61, H61, F584 (w/ shadows)
-> Medic: W61, H61, F614 (w/ shadows)
-> Cyborg: W61, H61, F740 (w/ shadows)
-> Cyborg Commando: W51, W69, F616 (w/ shadows)
-> JumpJet: W61, H61, F902 (w/ shadows)
-> Baby Visceroid: W48, H24, F180 (w/ shadows)
-> Adult Visceroid: W96, H62, F180 (w/ shadows)

Isometric buildings: uses isotem.pal
-> Civilian Buildings: W144, H144, F4 (w/ shadows)
-> Bulletin Boards: W96, H96, F4 (w/ shadows)
-> Civilian Dam: W240, H168, F4 (w/ shadows)
-> Streets (lobridgXX.tem): W144, H96, F6 (Frame 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are empty)
-> Tracks (trackXX.tem): W96, H72, F2 (frame 2 is empty)
-> UFO: W640, H480, F1
-> Light Post: W48, H48, F4 (w/ shadows)
-> Tiberium (tibXX.tem): W48, H48, F24 (w/ shadows)
-> Trees (treeXX.tem): W144, H96, F2 (w/ shadows)
-> Rock (trockXX.tem): W96, H96, F2 (w/ shadows)
-> Scorchs (burntXX.tem, crateXX.tem): W96, H96, F2 (w/ shadows)

Civilian Buildings: uses unittem.pal/unitsno.pal
-> Kodiak: W192, H144, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Ruined C&C Buildings, Montauk: W144, H96, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Civilian Armory, Vega and Nod Pyramid: W192, H192, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Civilian Hospital: W192, H168, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Civilian Radar: W144, H96, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> TibTree XX (tibtreXX.tem): W144, H96, F22 (w/ shadows)
-> Veinhole (veinhole.tem): W144, H144, F24

GDI/Nod Buildings: uses unitem.pal/unitsno.pal
-> Construction Yard, Service Depot, GDI Radar, Waste Facility: W144, F144, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Firestorm Generator, Comm. Center, Hand Of Nod, Light Tower: W144, H120, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI and Nod War Factory, Refinery, Temple Of Nod: W192, H168, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Advanced Power Plant, Dropship Bay: W192, H144, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Tech Center: W192, H120, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Obelisk Of Light, Nod Power Plant, Stealth Generator: W144, H96, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Component Tower, Laser Turret, Missile Silo, Laser Fence Post, Nod Sam Site: W48, H48. F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod Radar: W96, H144, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI and Nod Helipad, GDI Barracks, GDI, Power Plant, Nod Tech Center, Tiberium Silo, Deployed Sensor Array, EMPulse Cannon: W96, H96, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Deployed Artillery: W96, H72, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Deployed Tick Tank: W96, H48, F6 (w/ shadows)
-> Firestorm Wall: W48, H48, F128 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Wall: W48, H48, F96 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Gate: W144, H96, F42 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod Gate: W144, H96, F30 (w/ shadows)
-> ICBM: W96, H120, F6 (w/ shadows)

BuildUp Animations: uses unitem.pal
-> Construction Yard Buildup: W144, H144, F48 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Radar Buildup: W144, H144, F40 (w/ shadows)
-> Component Tower Buildup: W48, H48, F22 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod Laser Turret BuildUp: W48, H48, F42 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Service Depot Buildup: W144, H144, F20 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Firestorm Generator, Comm. Center Buildup: W144, H120, F34 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Helipad BuildUp, Tiberium Silo: W96, H96, F38 (w/ shadows)
-> ICBM BuildUp: W96, H120, F60 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Barracks, Power Plant, Nod Helipad BuildUp: W96, F96, F40 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI Tech Center BuildUp: W192, H120, F40 (w/ shadows)
-> GDI War Factory, Refinery BuildUp: W192, H168, F40 (w/ shadows)
-> Advanced Power Plant BuildUp: W144, H120, F38 (w/ shadows)
-> Hand Of Nod BuildUp: W144, H120, F30 (w/ shadows)
-> Missile Silo, Nod Tech Center BuildUp: W96, H96, F36 (w/ shadows)
-> Obelisk Of Light, Nod Power Plant, Stealth Generator BuildUp: W144, H96, F38 (w/ shadows)
-> Laser Fence Post Buildup: W48, H48, F24 (w/ shadows)
-> EMPulse Cannon BuildUp: W96, H96, F40 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod Radar BuildUp: W96, H144, F40 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod Sam Site BuildUp: W48, H48, F16 (w/ shadows)
-> Temple Of Nod BuildUp: W192, H168, F34 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod Waste Facility BuildUp: W144, H144, F38 (w/ shadows)
-> Nod War Factory BuildUp: W192, H168, F44 (w/ shadows) "

Other animations:
There are too many to check, but their size is usually below 100x100 and they use anim.pal...